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2017 Uganda business trends

Posted by The Blog Administrator on Saturday, February 4, 2017, In : risk management 
By D E. Wasake, FCCA

Every year we write an analysis on the trends that will shape business in Uganda.  2017 is no different.

Summary of 2017 trends

These are expected to be:

  1. Power shift in global economy - a desire for fairness and sustainability
  2. A reduction in Uganda government expenditure – Worrying information from World Bank and Moody’s rating.
  3. Improvement in access to credit for business. Exciting trends from Mobile Money, FinTech and the FY 16/17 Budget.
  4. Improvement in ease of doi...

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Risk management in Uganda is increasingly critical

Posted by The Blog Administrator on Thursday, August 20, 2015, In : risk management 
By Isaac Sewaaya, General Manager at Inachee

Article summary
Despite many reports indicating Uganda is one of the most entrepreneurial counties, the Uganda business environment is increasingly challenging judging by the World Bank’s ranking of ease of doing business - which indicates that Uganda is getting worse (based on the last 5 years). 

In addition other indices of an economy's performance such as foreign exchange movements, disease and crime all indicate that the Uganda economy is going...

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"Inachee" and "Inachee for business" are brand names that belong to Inachee Limited a company incorporated in England and Wales. No: 08117725. In Uganda, they are used, with permission.

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Why these "1 minute management" tips?

We are passionate about helping businesses in Uganda (whether starting out, growing or expanding) to succeed.

We believe in sharing our experience to develop the entrepreneurial spirit in Uganda.

We are an ethical thought leadership firm providing advisory for business strategy.

Book on Business Success in Uganda
Principal, Dickson E Wasake has written a book on 10 practical principles and lessons for achieving business success in Uganda. Preview the book here.