FREE "Advanced Thinking"  Business Tips

Browsing Archive: March, 2017

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"Inachee" and "Inachee for business" are brand names that belong to Inachee Limited a company incorporated in England and Wales. No: 08117725. In Uganda, they are used, with permission.

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Advanced thinking is the future.

The newsletter is sent regularly. It provides tips on marketing, corporate governance, accounting, entrepreneurship and best practice on successfully starting, running and growing your business.

P.S On subscription you get a FREE e-book gift. 

Why these "1 minute management" tips?

We are passionate about helping businesses in Uganda (whether starting out, growing or expanding) to succeed.

We believe in sharing our experience to develop the entrepreneurial spirit in Uganda.

We are an ethical thought leadership firm providing advisory for business strategy.

Book on Business Success in Uganda
Principal, Dickson E Wasake has written a book on 10 practical principles and lessons for achieving business success in Uganda. Preview the book here.